KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three Read online

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  The ripples of pleasure ensnared her once more. She pandered to the pain and indulged in the pinch against her swollen clit. The slap of the leather snapped against her bare bottom. She adored the command of his style—each strike a surprise, from soft to sharp—keeping her guessing until the very last.


  Then she began to struggle a bit. Maxine could only hope that she could withstand five more cracks before her clit decided to take over again. Most of all, though, it wasn't so much the spankings themselves that turned her on—it was the thrill of sitting on her raw ass later on, shifting as she poured over the filthiest thoughts of what she did with Drew.

  “Color?” Drew closed his eyes and held his breath.

  “It's...uhh...” Maxine wiggled her bottom, only to realize that she was only exacerbating the arousal between her legs. “'s yellow...”

  Shaking his head, he truly wondered if they would make it. She was getting awfully fidgety again.

  Again, the paddle swatted over her.

  “” She was so damn wet at that point that she was surprised those damn clothespins just didn't slip off.

  Next, he merely brushed the paddle over her reddened ass, scraping over her sore skin.


  “Trouble with numbers, Maxine?” he baited her, thwacking down again, hard...then again. “Count!”


  For fuck's sake, they made it. Drew sighed with huge relief, then gave her one last wallop to remember for a while.


  Those prickly little clothespins were the most deviously delightful trappings. Maxine’s release caught her in its stronghold yet again. Those pins seemed to hold her pleasure in place, drawing out her satisfaction from one swift wave into the next.

  However, the sight of that sweet little flaming red ass wiggling all about in the candlelight just left Drew dangling at the edge of a cliff by his ever-weakening fingertips. It was Valentine's Day, and he felt so off his game. Damn snow. He needed something to blame other than himself.

  But he wasn't nearly done with her. He just had to zip himself up first.

  Then she felt his hand slip between her legs, and she knew she was up for a fight. He couldn't dare take her prized clothespins away so soon! She had to escape those tender yet tough hands, but when she endeavored to move away from the circle of his strong arms, she only met with his erection poking at her sore bare ass. Oh, she just couldn't win with him!

  There was nothing more that Drew loved than engaging Maxine in a good struggle, but his constant worries for her still surfaced. Furthermore, if something happened, there was no fucking way they were getting to an emergency room in any timely fashion.

  Hands cupped—one on her breast and the other around her lower lips—he paused for a moment before giving both a rough pull. The stilted cry of shock, followed by the deep moan of pleasure that rumbled from her throat, bolstered that consuming force of passion that had already left her overwhelmed.

  “Again, please...Sir?”

  “Since you asked so nicely, perhaps I can accommodate...”

  “Please....” her voice now wavering, choked by her own bliss. “Please, Kind Sir?”

  While giving her nipple another tug, Drew decided to pull off just one of the clothespins, but he had already readied himself for a thrashing Maxine in his arms.

  The tiniest ounce of pain trickled over her clit, compounding the feel of her seemingly never-ending orgasm. Every nerve ending in her body craved his personal attention, as he lifted her feet up on the mattress. Sex with him was always so thrilling, if not athletic, and he certainly knew how to keep her guessing.

  So damp and dewy was the vision of her clamped clit before him. Drew couldn't deny his urge to press his mouth against her and slowly drag every last of the four remaining clothespins away in the clench of his teeth, allowing them to fall from his lips to the floor.

  Don't swallow and choke on one, Mack, he warned himself.

  While he held her hips in place, Maxine braced her feet against the thick wooden posts of the bed, thrusting ever close to him as she continued to writhe in ecstasy. Numbness gave way to the sweetest brand of pain as he freed her, then suckled her clit into his open mouth.

  In his torment, he bit down on her lower lip, sinking his teeth into the softness of her flesh. So insanely wild for her, he couldn't stop himself. Oh, they both needed to just cool it down a few degrees. So much for no heat in the middle of a blizzard...

  Without warning, Maxine sat up, scooting herself closer to the edge. As she watched his seeking mouth, the lap of his tongue and the pull of his teeth with unbridled fascination, her hands found her breasts. Her nails sunk down into her nipples. Twice in one day, Maxine had lost her concern for the rules.

  Never one to miss a trick, Drew reached up, grabbed her wrists and held her hands still. All the while, his lips continued to suckle, bringing her to one devastating explosion that left Maxine crying out for more.

  Then, ever so quietly, as her legs found their way around his neck, Drew rested his head in her lap, nuzzling his cheek against her thigh.

  “Intense...” she whispered at long last, once she'd caught her breath.

  “Yes, Maxine,” he said, placing one tiny kiss upon her leg. “But I'm not nearly done with my Valentine yet...”

  “More...?” she smiled, her fingers combing through his hair.

  “After we do some triage here...” He pushed himself up and circled his arms around her.

  “You still haven't fucked me...”

  “Maxine...” he shot her a sideways glance as he gently eased her to her tummy. With a confident smile, he smoothed his hand over the welts on her bottom. “So beautiful, little one, if I do say so myself.”

  “I wanna see...” she insisted, but he held her down.

  “Still...” he ordered and turned his back on her for just a second to find the aloe lotion he'd left on the vanity.

  Then, Maxine began to relax once more as she felt his hands on her shoulders and rubbing deeply into her neck. “That's nice…”

  “And I feel goose bumps,” he said, his fingers skimming down her arms. “You’re getting too cold to stay here in this dark and dangerous dungeon. I need to get you upstairs by the fireplace soon…”

  And as his hands glided their way over Maxine's bare ass, he knew she was going to feel the burn later. That paddle was new, needed some breaking in. Luckily, they were fully stocked with diaper cream.

  “Can you stand up, little one?” he asked.

  “I think so,” Maxine said, stretching out. “Do I get to look now?”

  So fucking cute! he thought. She always had to marvel at the marks when he spanked her.

  “Awww...” Maxine turned to regard her ass in the floor-length mirror. “Polka dots!”

  “You wear them well,” he said, priding himself on his own attempt at art. “And we've still got one more—ahem—application to that fine piece of art.”

  Her eyes and smile grew wide with anticipation. “Another spanking?”


  Whipping her head around to look him with calculating but playful eyes, Maxine said, “Well...what...plans do you have for my ass, Mack?” Standing on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear, she asked, “Does it have anything to do with intercourse of the anal variety?”

  “Ah, guess again,” he said with a wink.

  “Aw, fuckballs!” Oh, if she could only read the dirty thoughts behind that stare of stone. “Give me a hint...please?”

  “You know I love my surprises,” Drew said, rummaging through their drawers to pack up for the long, cold, winter's night.

  “I bought caviar...” Maxine said as she scurried over to the refrigerator to collect her treats from the market. “We should probably eat this before it goes bad...the package is still cold...”

  The sound of a fist pounding agains
t the door startled them both once again. Maxine began to tremble in fear. No one knew they were there…no one…except—

  “Everything alright in there, Mack?”

  “Will you fucking wait a minute for fuck’s sake, Lou?” Drew bellowed, but his attention never left Maxine. He had to get her settled before he dealt with anything else.

  “Stay right there,” he pointed a finger in her face. “Please do not move, Maxine. I don’t want you hurting yourself…”

  That huge, salacious grin she wore accentuated her already mischievous mood. “You just spanked me with a leather paddle, and now you’re worried about my getting hurt?”

  “Tsk…tsk…tsk…” Drew clucked his lips. “I can forget about part two of your surprise.”

  “You are just the bestest, fuckballiest, Kindest of Sirs ever to walk the face of the earth…”

  “Good girl!” he praised her at last and tossed his jacket to her. “Now put some clothes on! I’m sure that Lou—unlike myself—has no desire to see you naked.”

  Struggling into the arms of Drew's P-coat, she waited as he buttoned her up. It covered her well enough, dropping nearly to her knees. Lifting the hem, he cracked her one last time on that sassy little ass. “For good measure.”

  “Oooh, Kind Sir!”

  While he left Maxine cooing, Drew had to deal with the growling bear in the hallway.

  “Did you shut your damn phone off, Mack?” Lou barked. “Told ya I was gonna text yous when I left. I gotta go! And your kittens are tearing the shit out of your—”

  “Shhhhussssh!” Drew waved his hand in the air, then lowered his voice to barely a whisper. “She doesn’t know about them.”

  “Yeah,” Lou said. “Well, when you go upstairs and see what that one with the blue collar did to your closet, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”

  His closet? Oh, Drew hadn’t taken into consideration that kittens could be almost as naughty as his little Maxine. Shit. He had messes on every floor to clean up once the power returned.

  “Are they warm?” Drew asked. He couldn’t even plug in their heated beds for them! “The bedroom’s not too chilly?”

  “They’re fine, Mack.” When the hell his job evolved into kitten-sitting for the boss, Lou wasn’t quite sure. “Plenty of blankets to keep them warm. And I got the fireplace going for you and the little lady. Because it’s Valentine’s Day—and I’m feeling generous…”

  “Thank you, Lou,” Drew’s voice softened for just a moment before he returned to his Masterful Self. “Alright. I just need your help in carrying a few things upstairs, and then you don’t have to look at me until Tuesday. Is that cool?”

  Lou could only shake his head in resignation. “Yeah, Mack. But let’s make it quick. I got plans…”

  “I’ll be…right…back…”

  As soon as he returned to the apartment, Drew just started shoving things into shopping bags—diaper cream, matches, champagne and that fucking caviar that Maxine was so damn worried about.

  “What, pray tell, is Kind Sir doing now?”

  “Move it, Maxine,” he commanded. “It’s too cold to play here.”

  “I can easily warm you up,” she suggested, slithering a little too close for Drew’s comfort at the moment.

  “Oh, and like no one else can, Maxine...” he said, daring to slip his hand up the back of his jacket to give her bare ass a squeeze. “Now, get going. That’s an order.”

  Chapter Two

  “Easy, Maxine,” Lou said as the three of them climbed the seven flights from the studio to the penthouse, guided by only the flashlight on Lou’s phone.

  However, all motion—and heartbeats—ceased when Maxine stopped dead on the landing. Although Drew had been following her to keep her steady on her own two feet, he leaned ever closer to catch her. However, Maxine took the opportunity to lend a quick squeeze to his groin in the darkness.

  “Meh!” Drew coughed, then muttered in her ear, “So getting you back...”

  “Alright there, Mack?”

  “Fine, Lou,” Drew said, his suddenly slightly soprano voice echoing throughout the stairwell.

  “Naughty Sassy Maxine rules!” Maxine pumped her fist, inadvertently striking Lou in the back.

  Two more months of this silly bliss, Lou thought, then perhaps they'll settle down after the wedding. It was wishful, but he knew quite unlikely, thinking. A couple of kids might force them to nest. Deep down inside, Lou hoped that Maggie would have that grandbaby talk with them again—and soon. But then he would have the little Macks to follow around. And with parents like these two...

  You're fucked, Lou thought to himself.

  “Sorry, Lou...” Maxine's little voice squeaked. “Bumped ya.”

  This stairwell was clearly going to be the greatest climb of Lou's life.

  Quite joyfully and comfortably, Maxine clomped up the stairs in the boots she'd worn earlier. There was just no way in hell that she was going to make it all the way up to the penthouse in those stilettos she'd discarded back in the Dungeon.

  However, it was Drew who stopped Maxine on the next landing, when he so stealthily wedged his hand inside the back of his own jacket that she wore. He slipped his middle finger inside of her with just a quick jiggle, then removed his hand just as easily.

  Maxine’s ability to remain silent, just as he’d trained her, impressed him greatly.

  “Well done, little one...”

  “I’ll raise you one feather plume…”

  Now their playful little war had taken a sinister turn, and they still had three long flights to go. Only child was she, Maxine couldn't resist playing the brat with him.

  “One step...two step...three step...” She was stalling, allowing Lou to gain some ground. “Four...”

  Fingers nimble, she bunched up the back of Drew's coat and rebounded against his hard cock, riding him not so gently through his jeans. Much to her surprise, he didn't fight her. In fact, his hands gripped her hips, and his nails bit down into her tender skin as he pulled her closer.

  “So quiet we are this afternoon, Maxine,” he said, thoroughly enjoying their not-so-dry hump on the landing. “You've been so bad, but for this—you must be rewarded. Intensely rewarded...”

  Bouncing up the next few steps, two at a time, Maxine wondered out loud, “What are you planning?”

  His silence only made her tremble, skidding her nipples against the silk lining. Oh, she wanted to know what the hell had crossed that deviously delicious mind of his.

  At last, when they'd reached the top of the stairs, Drew stepped in front of Maxine, essentially hiding her from the view of Lou.

  “Lou, thank you,” Drew said as he took the bags then stepped inside the foyer. “Now, go enjoy your…er…date…”

  “Yes, Sir,” Lou saluted. “See you on Tuesday. And yous two have a nice little holiday together…”

  As he closed the door, Drew said, “Maxine, go pee...”

  “Uh...go what?” she asked.

  “I said that you should go take a piss—now, Maxine,” he repeated. “You're going to be immobile for a bit. And put your hair up.”

  “Oh, we're playing again!” she clapped her hands together. “Yay! I love my Kind Sir!”

  “You’re really gonna love me by the time this afternoon ends,” he muttered while Maxine made her way to the bathroom. Obsessive as ever, Drew just had to check on the kittens before they continued their play.

  Nothing appeared to be disrupted or broken upon initial inspection as he opened the bedroom door. Maybe a lampshade was slightly askew. However, as he looked beyond the slightly rumpled comforter, he smiled as he glimpsed the two gray kittens snuggled together right between two stacks of pillows.

  The sweetest sigh left Drew’s lips. Maxine was right—there was nothing more charming than watching two tiny cats so peaceful in slumber. They still had some time before the boy needed his eye drops. They needed names, too. However, he allowed himself to fully experience this moment. He’d always wanted a p
et, and these two kittens left him thoroughly enraptured…

  …until he remembered what Lou told him about the closet.

  Disorder could easily drive Drew to the brink, and his closet was indeed his temple. Ties were also his weakness, and Drew had amassed quite a collection over the years.

  The artful display of his favorite accessory—in varying hues of nearly every color known to man—beheld the fruits of curious little paws. Ties were strung and strewn about, covering the floor like some macramé acid trip. Those two little innocent kittens were certainly very hard at work while Daddy paddled Mommy in the Dungeon.

  “Little guy,” Drew said, as he turned to find their new additions yawing on the bed. Oh, he couldn’t resist and reached out his hand to rub the boy’s tiny chin. “Did you do all of this? Did your sister help you?”

  Look at the cute—not at the mess, Daddy Dearest, he told himself.

  It was at that moment that the little girl stretched out her tiny arms, then reached for his finger. While his heart skipped a beat, she looked up at him with not-so-innocent emerald eyes, the same color as Maxine’s, and Drew knew that yet another female had him wrapped around her little finger…or paw as the case might be.


  He didn’t want to leave them just yet…but he had to. Daddy Dearest still had a few surprises left for Mommy before the big reveal. After checking to make sure that they had enough food and water, he stopped for one last look at those two deceiving furry innocents, then forged downstairs.

  Maxine still wasn’t there, and panic washed over him as he trudged down the hall to the half-bath. He knocked but didn’t bother to wait for her answer and opened the door to find a rather embarrassed Maxine with her ass to the mirror.

  “So pretty, Sir,” Maxine whispered as his hands smoothed over the polka dots.

  “Yes, you do look beautiful like that, little one,” he returned her grin in the mirror. “Do me a favor—stay put for just a bit longer. I need a few minutes out here. Okay?”

  “Whatever Kind Sir wants is my pleasure.”